Zap Protocol
Zap Protocol
Published in
3 min readAug 21, 2021


Zap Protocol Beta 2.1 Development Update

Oracle Network

Price Feeds —The team worked on addressing several issues regarding improper feed counting and URL redirects. The team added several sorting features and a search bar. Our team also added more APIs from off-chain sources to the Price Feed list. The updated list now includes 15 cryptocurrencies and 29 FX currencies from around the world.

Miners — As we come closer to finalizing our Miner contracts and features, plenty of focus has gone into ensuring we have a user-friendly and scalable environment. Particularly this week, the team focused on the dispute function for all miner values submitted to the network. The Mining Events page will now populate with real-time mining events and show all past events. Further work has been done to include these events on mobile view as well.

The initial Pythia GUI for Windows was completed and is awaiting branding and additional features before public release. The executable offers users point-and-click functionality without having to use the command-line interface (CLI).

NFT Marketplace

The Zap NFT marketplace is preparing for launch this quarter. This week the development team worked on updating multiple individual components and cards. Some of these include redesigning the NFT market cards and search bar. Additional features such as displaying the top 10 sellers on the homepage have also been added. The team worked on functionality for creating collections and user profiles. A new Zap loading animation was also included in the NFT marketplace experience. An auction timer was added. Several contract tests have been completed in preparation for the audit.

Zap Labs

The Zap Labs team has continued their research on Optimizing Liquidity Allocation. An article discussing Oracle Attacks on Assets was released this week on our Medium. Read the article, here.

Bug Fixes

We appreciate everyone who has submitted bug reports. If you find a bug that we haven’t fixed yet, you can submit a bug report here.

About Zap Protocol

Zap Protocol provides critical infrastructure built to power the next wave of decentralized applications. Be ready to swap tokens, earn rewards by validating oracle data-feeds, mint NFTs, and raise funds with custom bonding curves. Zap Protocol is blockchain-agnostic and currently live on Ethereum Mainnet, Binance Smart Chain Testnet, and many more to come.

Official Social Channels


Twitter: @ZapProtocol



Reddit: r/ZapProtocol

Facebook: @ZapProtocol

Instagram: @ZapProtocol

Medium: The Zap Project

LinkedIn: Zap

GitHub: The Zap Project

