Zap Protocol
Zap Protocol
Published in
4 min readSep 5, 2021


Zap Protocol Beta 2.1 Development Update

Oracle Network

Price Feeds — The crypto/fiat currencies button and search bar have been refactored into a more aesthetic view. Users can effortlessly switch between crypto and forex price feeds and search token pairs. Additionally, some typos were found and corrected in our price feeds code, these typos caused warnings and errors for the forex trading pairs.

Updated Sorting/Search
GDP Ranked Forex Pairs

Pythia Miner — We have restricted disputing and voting to miners. Only staked users can open and vote on a dispute, tests were written to ensure the desired behavior is put to practice. Moreover, the team tested the mining of blocks by multiple miners to see if they each mine a block evenly. The difficulty of mining is also being looked over to make sure miners will be capable of solving these problems to maintain steady and data secure blocks. More testing will be done to ensure the stable behavior of the miners.

Oracle Value Dispute
Oracle Dispute Voting
Oracle Status
Oracle Network Mining Difficulty Tests

NFT Marketplace

Many new updates have been made to the design of our NFT Marketplace. This includes NFT card redesign, NFT wizard components, updated filter model component, an addition of a collection component in the NFT profile page that displays info on the collection and details such as contract address, and an NFT asset page redesign. NFT user profile feature has been added, users will be able to create their own profile on the marketplace. Users can upload/change avatar and backdrop photos, as well as input personal information such as user name, bio, and website URL, among other things. Sharing your favorite artist profiles has also become easier with the addition of our copy profile link feature. Additionally, we recently brought in a new UX/UI team to help redesign the NFT marketplace moving forward.

Design is subject to change prior to release

Our team has also made progress on the NFT smart contracts to make the marketplace more secure and efficient. For improved user interaction, we made sure that all forms of media contracts could engage with our market, which included viewing NFTs minted from other contracts or marketplaces. In regards to security, now only the owner of the media can mint, or allow others to mint, to their collection. ZapMedia contracts have also been developed to keep better track of bid shares and ask prices on a user’s NFT. With this, our upcoming auction house will become much more efficient.

Binance Smart Chain

First BSC cross-chain BEP-20 Zap tokens have been minted! Will keep the community updated on future updates and listings of ZAP BEP-20 tokens.

Zap Labs

Zap Labs recently posted a medium article about VRF and NFTs. The article discussed how verified random functions can be used by developers when building applications with chains that do not support native randomness. The article can be read, here.

Bug Fixes

We appreciate everyone who has submitted bug reports. If you find a bug that we haven’t fixed yet, you can submit a bug report here.

About Zap Protocol

Zap Protocol provides critical infrastructure built to power the next wave of decentralized applications. Be ready to swap tokens, earn rewards by validating oracle data-feeds, mint NFTs, and raise funds with custom bonding curves. Zap Protocol is blockchain-agnostic and currently live on Ethereum Mainnet, Binance Smart Chain Testnet, and many more to come.

Official Social Channels


Twitter: @ZapProtocol



Reddit: r/ZapProtocol

Facebook: @ZapProtocol

Instagram: @ZapProtocol

Medium: The Zap Project

LinkedIn: Zap

GitHub: The Zap Project

